
Top 5 Climate Tech VCs

In a heating world, the climate tech venture capital scene is also heating up. In 2021 alone, $37B of venture capital was invested into climate tech companies globally. In this guide, I ranked and reviewed the top 5 climate tech VCs in 2022. InnoEnergy – Funded by the EU itself Breakthrough Energy Ventures – High-profile […]

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Top 5 Sustainable Energy Sources

Sustainable energy is energy that can fulfill the needs of the current generation as well as future generations. Simply put, if the world adopts sustainable energy 100%, we will be able to operate normally as a society, producing whatever we want, while making sure future generations will also be able to do the same, and […]

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Vision and Mission

Climate change is the most pressing global issue that our generation faces today. Planet Earth is in grave danger and we are running out of time to save ourselves from doom. Make no mistake. No matter how many degrees the global temperature rises, the planet will still exist. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for […]

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