Year Founded: 2014 is a venture capital firm that specializes in investing in innovative technologies and companies focused on sustainability and environmental impact. The firm targets early-stage and growth-stage companies that are developing cutting-edge solutions in areas such as renewable energy, clean technology, water management, sustainable agriculture, and waste reduction.’s mission is to support the transition to a more sustainable and resilient global economy by backing businesses that have the potential to make a significant positive impact on the environment. provides not only financial investment but also strategic guidance and industry expertise to its portfolio companies. The firm leverages its extensive network of industry leaders, researchers, and entrepreneurs to help startups navigate the challenges of scaling their operations and bringing their innovations to market. By fostering close partnerships and offering comprehensive support, aims to accelerate the growth of sustainable technologies and drive meaningful environmental change. Through its focused investments and commitment to sustainability, is dedicated to creating long-term value for both its investors and the planet.

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