In the ever-evolving landscape of energy management, the need for innovative and sustainable solutions has never been more critical. LF Energy, a collaborative initiative under the Linux Foundation, stands at the forefront of this transformation, driving progress through open source projects designed to revolutionize the way we understand, measure, and manage energy.

Among the suite of groundbreaking projects under LF Energy’s umbrella, two initiatives, OpenEEMeter and the Super Advanced Meter (SAM), exemplify the organization’s commitment to leveraging open source technology for the betterment of energy metering and management. OpenEEMeter, an open-source toolkit, offers a standardized approach to calculating normalized metered energy consumption (NMEC) and assessing avoided energy use. This toolkit facilitates more accurate and transparent energy savings calculations, crucial for energy efficiency programs and policies. The recent release of OpenEEMeter version 4.0 introduces significant improvements, including dramatically reduced bias in energy consumption models and enhanced processing speeds, marking a significant step forward in the project’s evolution.

On the other hand, the Super Advanced Meter (SAM) project embarks on an ambitious journey to redefine smart metering. As an open source specification and reference software, SAM serves as a versatile smart meter data gateway, bridging the gap between traditional metering and the demands of modern energy systems. It aims to cater to a wide array of use cases, from basic metrology and disaggregation to outage management and predictive forecasting, thereby enabling a more integrated, efficient, and consumer-friendly energy landscape.


The OpenEEMeter is a groundbreaking toolkit that stands at the intersection of technology and energy efficiency, providing a robust framework for the calculation of Normalized Metered Energy Consumption (NMEC) and the evaluation of avoided energy use. By employing statistical models to analyze energy consumption data, OpenEEMeter facilitates the accurate, transparent, and scalable assessment of energy savings, catering to the needs of utilities, energy service companies, and policy makers alike. Its open-source nature not only promotes innovation and collaboration but also ensures the toolkit’s adaptability to various regulatory environments and market needs.

The release of OpenEEMeter version 4.0 marks a significant milestone in the project’s evolution, introducing enhancements that further refine its capabilities and extend its applicability. Among the most notable advancements in this latest version are:

  • Significant Reductions in Seasonal and Weekend/Weekday Bias: OpenEEMeter 4.0 has achieved an 84% reduction in seasonal bias and a 95% reduction in weekend/weekday bias within its daily model. These improvements enhance the accuracy of energy savings calculations by ensuring that the model more accurately reflects actual consumption patterns, regardless of seasonal variations or different usage patterns on weekends and weekdays.
  • Enhanced Performance with Both Monthly and Daily Data: The toolkit now operates up to 100 times faster when processing monthly data and between two to ten times faster with daily data. This leap in performance means that users can conduct more timely analyses and make quicker decisions based on the insights derived from energy consumption data. For stakeholders requiring rapid turnaround times for their energy efficiency assessments, this speed enhancement is a game-changer.

To provide a deeper understanding of these enhancements and explore the broader implications of OpenEEMeter 4.0, the OpenEEMeter community is hosting a webinar on March 12th. This event promises to offer valuable insights into the toolkit’s new features, practical applications, and potential impact on energy efficiency projects and policies. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with experts behind the toolkit, ask questions, and discuss the future of energy consumption analysis.

The webinar represents an excellent opportunity for stakeholders across the energy sector to learn how OpenEEMeter 4.0 can support their goals, whether in developing more effective energy efficiency programs, complying with regulatory requirements, or enhancing the sustainability of their operations. As OpenEEMeter continues to evolve, it remains a critical tool in the quest for more sustainable and efficient energy consumption patterns, embodying the transformative potential of open-source solutions in the energy sector.

Super Advanced Meter (SAM)

The Super Advanced Meter (SAM) represents a pivotal advancement in the realm of smart metering, encapsulating a forward-thinking approach to energy management through its open source specification and reference software project. Developed under the auspices of LF Energy, SAM is designed to serve as a comprehensive smart meter data gateway, offering a multifaceted platform that bridges the gap between the current state of metering technologies and the future needs of a digitally transformed energy grid. This initiative underscores a significant leap towards achieving a more sustainable, efficient, and consumer-centric energy ecosystem.

Basic Metrology

At the heart of SAM’s suite of functionalities lies its capability for Basic Metrology. This foundational aspect involves the precise measurement, collection, and analysis of high-resolution time series data pertaining to voltage and current. The importance of Basic Metrology cannot be overstated, as it provides the critical data backbone for a wide range of applications, from facilitating straightforward billing processes to enabling in-depth research into energy consumption patterns. By harnessing this granular data, SAM supports utilities, researchers, and consumers alike in making informed decisions that enhance energy efficiency and reliability.


A standout feature of SAM is its Disaggregation capability, which allows for the detailed tracking of energy usage across major appliances within a household or business, all while safeguarding user privacy. This function is instrumental in enabling consumers to gain a deeper understanding of their energy consumption habits, helping to identify opportunities for savings and efficiency improvements. Moreover, Disaggregation supports the broader goal of demand-side management by providing energy providers with the insights needed to tailor services and programs to consumer needs without intruding on their privacy.

Two-Way Communications with DERs

SAM revolutionizes the interaction between Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and utilities through its support for Two-Way Communications. This feature optimizes the usage of DERs, such as solar panels and battery storage systems, aligning the operational needs of the grid with the capabilities and preferences of individual energy consumers. By facilitating a dynamic exchange of information and control signals, SAM enables a co-optimized energy ecosystem that balances premise-level and system-level needs, enhancing grid stability and efficiency.

Outage Management

In the realm of Outage Management, SAM introduces innovative functionalities like surgical load shedding and the strategic leveraging of DERs to enhance grid resilience. By enabling utilities to make precise adjustments to energy distribution during critical periods, SAM helps to prevent widespread service interruptions and facilitates faster recovery from outages. This proactive approach to managing grid stability not only minimizes inconvenience for consumers but also harnesses the potential of DERs to contribute to overall system reliability.

Predictive Forecasting

Predictive Forecasting stands out as another key capability of SAM, offering utilities and consumers short-term forecasts of customer netload and local photovoltaic (PV) production. This forecasting ability is crucial for anticipating energy demand spikes, managing renewable energy integration, and ensuring grid reliability. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, SAM provides actionable insights that guide decision-making processes related to energy production, distribution, and consumption.

Remote Management

Finally, SAM’s Remote Management capabilities represent a significant advancement in utility service provision. This feature enables utilities to perform functions such as connecting or disconnecting services and monitoring the health of neighboring SAM devices remotely. Such capabilities not only improve operational efficiency for utilities but also enhance the service experience for consumers, offering a higher degree of control and responsiveness in managing their energy services.

The Role of SAM in Energy Management

The Super Advanced Meter (SAM), as an innovative open source specification and reference software project, stands as a cornerstone in the modernization of energy management systems. Through its comprehensive suite of functionalities, SAM not only redefines smart metering but also plays a pivotal role in shaping a more efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy landscape. This section delves into the impact of SAM on the energy sector, highlighting its diverse capabilities and the significance of each in revolutionizing energy practices.

Basic Metrology and Data Access

At the foundation of SAM’s functionalities lies Basic Metrology, the precise measurement and recording of electrical data. This capability ensures the accurate tracking of energy consumption and production, serving as the backbone for billing, research, and analysis. Coupled with advanced Data Access features, SAM enables both consumers and utilities to retrieve and utilize energy data with unprecedented ease and flexibility. This not only fosters transparency in energy consumption but also empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data insights.

Disaggregation and DER Management

Disaggregation stands out as a key feature of SAM, allowing for the detailed tracking of energy usage across various appliances and systems without compromising user privacy. This functionality is instrumental in enhancing energy efficiency and promoting targeted conservation efforts. In parallel, SAM’s DER Management capability facilitates seamless two-way communication between Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and utilities. By optimizing the integration and operation of DERs, SAM ensures that energy resources are used more effectively, contributing to grid stability and resilience.

Outage Management and Predictive Forecasting

SAM’s Outage Management features, including surgical load shedding and leveraging DERs for grid stability, underscore its critical role in enhancing grid reliability. By enabling more strategic and targeted responses to potential outages, SAM minimizes disruption and enhances the continuity of service. Predictive Forecasting further augments SAM’s value proposition, offering short-term forecasts of customer netload and local PV production. This capability not only aids in grid management and planning but also supports the proactive identification and mitigation of potential issues.

DER Validation and Customer Engagement

DER Validation ensures that distributed energy resources operate within prescribed parameters, enhancing system reliability and compliance. SAM’s ability to monitor and report on the performance of DERs showcases its integral role in maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the energy ecosystem. Moreover, SAM’s Customer Engagement features, such as real-time usage displays and dynamic incentive programs, actively involve consumers in energy management. By fostering greater awareness and participation, SAM contributes to a more responsive and user-centric energy system.

Ensuring Correct Records, Enhancing Grid Awareness, and Remote Management

The accuracy of utility models and the health of the distribution system are paramount for efficient energy management. SAM ensures the integrity of grid data through Correct Records functionality, enabling more precise planning and operation. Furthermore, its Grid Awareness capabilities provide critical insights into local conditions, enhancing the ability to respond to anomalies and maintain grid stability. Lastly, Remote Management functions allow for the efficient oversight of energy services and the health of SAM devices, emphasizing the role of SAM in facilitating streamlined and responsive energy distribution.

The Future of OpenEEMeter and SAM

As the global energy landscape continues to shift towards more sustainable and efficient systems, the roles of OpenEEMeter and the Super Advanced Meter (SAM) become increasingly pivotal. These LF Energy projects represent not just the current state of innovation in energy management but also the potential for future advancements. The ongoing development and widespread adoption of OpenEEMeter and SAM are crucial in addressing the complex and evolving challenges of energy management. This forward-looking perspective necessitates a collaborative effort among all stakeholders to harness the full potential of these open-source projects.

Embracing Collaboration for Advancement

The journey ahead for OpenEEMeter and SAM is one of collaborative innovation and shared goals. Utilities, equipment manufacturers, energy consumers, developers, and researchers all play vital roles in this ecosystem. Each group brings unique insights, expertise, and resources that can drive the projects forward. There’s a compelling need for these stakeholders to engage actively with the projects, contributing to their development, refinement, and real-world application. By working together, we can ensure that these tools not only meet the current demands of the energy sector but also adapt to future needs and challenges.


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