It came earlier than expected.

The year is 2030.

The world has been destroyed by climate change.

Ravaged by the relentless onslaught of global warming, the planet lies in ruins.

In this post-apocalyptic landscape, hope has dwindled, and the surviving remnants of humanity struggle to endure.

The consequences of their past actions have finally caught up with them, and the world they once knew has been irreversibly altered.

Coren, a lone wanderer with a haunted past, navigates the desolate remnants of a once-thriving civilization.

He has witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of climate change, the unforgiving wrath of nature unleashed.

The atmosphere is heavy, laden with an oppressive blanket of carbon.

The air, once pure and life-sustaining, now chokes the land.

The sun’s feeble attempts to penetrate the thick veil of smog result in a dim, hazy glow that casts long shadows over the scorched earth.

Heatwaves, once occasional anomalies, have become relentless, scorching the land and evaporating what little water remains.

The remnants of forests stand as ghostly reminders of the lush landscapes that once thrived.

Their branches, stripped of foliage, reach out like skeletal fingers towards the tainted sky.

Once-teeming ecosystems have crumbled, leaving behind barren wastelands and deserts that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Rivers, once lifelines of civilizations, have turned into mere trickles of their former selves.

Their once-mighty currents reduced to feeble streams, they wind through cracked riverbeds, unable to quench the thirst of a dying world.

Lakes have evaporated, leaving behind vast expanses of cracked mud, a testament to the planet’s arid transformation.

The sea, once a source of life and wonder, has transformed into a turbulent and acidic abyss.

Its once-teeming depths, vibrant with a kaleidoscope of marine life, have become silent and devoid of activity.

Coral reefs, once bustling cities of biodiversity, now lie bleached and lifeless, their vibrant colors faded.

Rising sea levels have swallowed coastal communities, leaving only remnants of their existence jutting out of the water like forgotten tombstones.

Amidst this desolation, ancient and monstrous creatures called Carbonmons roam the land.

These formidable beings, born out of the high-carbon environment, are aggressive and dangerous.

Their towering forms are covered in jagged, crystalline carbon formations, their glowing eyes filled with an untamed ferocity.

The origin of the Carbonmons remains a mystery, for the strange spike in atmospheric carbon is not solely caused by human activities.

Other forces, yet unknown, have contributed to this calamitous imbalance.

Coren’s encounters with these fierce creatures have left scars, both physical and emotional.

The very presence of the Carbonmons serves as a chilling reminder of the world’s precarious state.

Their relentless hunt for survival and dominance poses an ever-present threat to the few remaining pockets of human existence.

But today, he is here to hunt Carbonmons.