As Malaysia strides towards an eco-conscious future, the integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) stands at the forefront of this transformative journey. BESS is pivotal in optimizing the nation’s rich tapestry of renewable resources, granting both stability and efficiency to the energy grid. In alignment with Malaysia’s visionary target of sourcing 70% of its energy from renewables by 2050, BESS emerges as a cornerstone technology. It provides a dynamic buffer that seamlessly adjusts to the variable nature of green energy sources, thus ensuring a steady and reliable flow of clean power. This transition not only reflects Malaysia’s commitment to a sustainable future but also underscores the essential role of BESS in realizing a low-carbon, renewable energy landscape.

Understanding BESS

At the heart of the renewable energy revolution, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) serve as the linchpin for a resilient and efficient electrical grid. BESS technology is designed to store surplus energy generated from renewable sources like solar and wind, to be deployed when demand peaks or generation dips. This energy modulation not only stabilizes the grid against fluctuations but also enhances the distribution network’s efficiency, ensuring that the green energy harnessed is utilized to its full potential.

The applications of BESS are multifaceted: from balancing loads and stabilizing frequency to providing backup during outages and reducing reliance on peaker plants. In essence, BESS acts as a buffer, mitigating the intermittent nature of renewable resources and paving the way for a smoother transition to a predominantly green energy sector. The result is a robust energy infrastructure that can weather the variable supply of renewables, thus bolstering grid stability and operational efficiency across the board.

Malaysia’s BESS Landscape

Malaysia is emerging as a significant contender in the global BESS market, buoyed by its strategic geographic location, governmental backing, and an unequivocal commitment to renewable energy. As the country seeks to meet its ambitious target of 70% renewable energy by 2050, BESS is increasingly recognized as a critical enabler of this vision. The government has formulated comprehensive strategies, encapsulated within the Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap (MyRER), to foster the development and integration of BESS. These policies are designed to streamline investments, incentivize innovation, and establish a conducive ecosystem for BESS deployment. With a clear roadmap and supportive policies, Malaysia’s BESS landscape is poised for significant expansion, ensuring a robust, clean, and sustainable energy future.

1. Ditrolic Energy

Ditrolic Energy is at the vanguard of Malaysia’s transition to sustainable energy, offering versatile Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) solutions. These systems are not just stand-alone; they can be integrated with solar, wind, or microgrid setups, underpinning a future-proof energy strategy. Designed for seamless operation within any business framework, Ditrolic Energy’s BESS is fully integrated, optimized for performance, and prioritizes safety. It features state-of-the-art DC batteries, bidirectional inverters, and intelligent controllers, creating a smart energy network that maximizes financial savings and extends battery life.

The applications of Ditrolic Energy’s BESS are extensive, encompassing peak shaving to trim high energy costs during demand spikes, load shifting for balanced energy distribution, and demand response for dynamic grid interaction. It also provides robust emergency backup, supports independent microgrids, aids in ancillary services, ensures capacity firming, and bolsters transmission and distribution networks.

Ditrolic Energy recognizes the diverse needs of businesses and offers tailored solutions including direct purchases, power purchase agreements, and shared savings models. Investing in their BESS not only yields cost savings and environmental perks but also introduces unprecedented grid flexibility, control, and resilience to energy systems, adaptable to various operational environments.

2. Plus Xnergy

Plus Xnergy is advancing the cause of energy independence for organizations with cutting-edge battery storage solutions. Recognizing the imperative for a sustainable ecosystem, Plus Xnergy champions the storage of energy produced by various properties, enhancing business value through intelligent integration and energy conversion.

Their battery storage systems cater to a spectrum of commercial and residential applications. For businesses, they offer solutions like spinning reserve displacement, solar production ramp control, peak shaving to lower demand charges, and uninterrupted power supply for critical operations. For homes, Plus Xnergy provides systems that promote solar self-consumption, ensuring energy independence in off-grid scenarios, and emergency power during outages.

Plus Xnergy’s battery storage solutions are designed to be customizable, scalable, and cost-effective, focusing on reducing energy bills, providing backup power, improving microgrid effectiveness, and offering potential tax allowances through GITA. By prioritizing energy security and reliability, Plus Xnergy is not just enabling sustainable energy but is also contributing to a reduced carbon footprint, underscoring their commitment to environmental stewardship.



MYBESS is hailed as a trailblazer in Malaysia’s BESS industry, bringing forth the country’s first indigenously produced battery energy storage system through the collaborative expertise of Citaglobal and Genetec Technology. This joint venture has crafted a system that not only enhances Genetec’s EPIC plant operations but also represents a leap forward in addressing the broader challenges of power distribution and storage.

The MYBESS system excels in scalability and intelligence, offering a robust solution to industries and grids harnessing intermittent renewable energy. Its massive storage capacity is designed to bolster grid support, enhance stability, and aid in the prevention of power outages. With a keen focus on sustainability, MYBESS is geared towards building a cleaner, more resilient grid, underpinned by an intelligent monitoring system that ensures optimal performance and health of energy storage cells, all through a user-friendly interface.

4. Trive Property Group Berhad

Trive Property Group Berhad stands as an exemplar of innovation in Malaysia’s energy storage sector. With a solid footing in research, development, and manufacturing of green energy storage solutions, Trive Property Group is a paragon of environmental stewardship. Listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia, the company has consistently demonstrated its prowess in creating battery technologies that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

With over a decade of industry presence, Trive has harnessed its collective expertise to produce state-of-the-art Lithium rechargeable battery systems, including intelligent Battery Management Systems (BMS), at competitive prices. Trive’s portfolio extends from consumer and industrial applications to specialized sectors like electric vehicles and military uses, emphasizing their commitment to sustainability and global competitiveness.


MAQO stands out in the BESS landscape with its intelligent power solutions, expertly merging solar and battery technologies to meet diverse energy requirements. Their bespoke approach ensures that each client benefits from greater energy affordability, reliability, and resilience.

The MAQO BESS system boasts a remarkable ability to adapt to real-time energy demands, optimizing the mix of solar, battery, or diesel-generated power. With an automated energy management system, MAQO’s technology guarantees an uninterrupted power supply, significant cost reductions, and cleaner energy. Backed by over 13 years of engineering experience, MAQO has successfully completed numerous installations, offering a consistently available, smart energy system for a sustainable future.